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Monday 25 March |
Tuesday 26 March |
Wednesday 27 March |
Thursday 28 March |
Friday 29 March |
*Jan on LSL for the rest of the term (lucky duck)
*Craft Club commencing T2 Tuesday's Week 2-9
*Garden Club T2 Thursday's Weeks 2-8
Please find Term 2 Bus Roster attached
On Friday each week Kirsty Harris will be putting a class list in each teacher’s pigeon hole in preparation for the following week. This roll can be placed in the teacher relief file in your class, and be replaced each week with a new list.
Hopefully this will be helpful when relief teachers are in the class, and in the event of an emergency, it will double as a class list that can be taken.
Thank you to those who have given feedback in person or via the survey so far. Overall it sounds like things went very smoothly. The majority of the feedback has been in relation to Compass, relief staff, accessing class lists and if you are to take a roll or not. Early next term we will go through Compass and trouble shoot the easiest way to access classes, even if you are not with your own class.
Michelle and Craig have asked for donations of large (empty) Milo tins to be used at the faction carnival in Term 3.
They only require the large tins (1.9kgs). Please give directly to either Craig or Michelle.
Easter Parade / Dress up day next Thursday
Staff and students are encouraged to dress in their PJ’s next Thursday. Students can also wear an Easter bonnet if they want to. There will be an Easter bonnet parade on Thursday morning in the undercover area, with parents invited to attend, and will run the same as the book parade did last year. A PA announcement will be made to ask classes to make their way to the under cover area.
Winners will be announced on Tuesday afternoon. We will be giving out lists of winners to each class so you can anticipate which names are being called out. We will announce winners at 2:00pm. We will then have assembly. After assembly we will ask all winners to line up at the staff room to collect their prize. Try and bring your list with you to assembly so you remember who needs to collect a prize.
When these are returned by parents they can be signed by the classroom teacher, Nat H and then a copy can be made and sent home. Classes keep the other copy.
There will be an ANZAC Service on Wednesday 24 April (Week 2 next term). It will commence at 9:30am and will follow the same format as it did in 2023. Skye will be displaying art in the undercover area based on ANZAC day. If your class would like to contribute please put any artwork in the wet are in D Block on the Monday of week 2.
Poppies will be erected around the flag poles from 8:00am on the day of the service. If people are available to come and help that would be great. Please note there will be no breakfast club on this day.