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*Garden Club Thursdays Weeks 2-8 in Term 1
We have created a missing student procedure as we have some curious students at the moment! I have attached the procedure.
If you put a message out on Messenger saying "anyone seen....", please ensure you follow up/make a decision about if this student is missing or not. If they are missing then the procedure will need to be followed. We will go over this in contact on Tuesday, (we have also gone through the procedure at the teachers meeting). Please familiarise yourself with the procedure.
Cuddly Animal Farm Incursion - Kindergarten
The Kindergarten of both schools will be having an incursion on Wednesday in week 7 (29 May) and 8 (5 June). The undercover area will be transformed into a bit of a travelling farm, and will be unable to be used during these days.
Week 11 Professional Development Week
During week 11 of this term, we are considering hosting internal PL days for staff. This is when we hold several sessions for our staff, by our staff, and you have the opportunity to attend a couple of sessions throughout the week. Over the next few weeks we will put together a bit of a session outline, and work out how much relief etc we need to make this happen.
When staff attend sessions there is no relief in your classroom, and you will need to plan for activities where you will only have 2 staff in your class.
We will be starting to use CompassPay effective immediately for all incursions and excursions – notes and payments. First event that will be set up is the Kindy “A Farmyard on Wheels” incursion.
All your documentation will have to be done as previously, the only difference at the moment are the notes going home in electronic format via Compass to all parents who will then be able to return them / respond electronically as well as pay electronically via the app.
We will need staff to assist in rolling this out to parents to encourage them to download the Compass App so they can start getting the notifications. If they haven’t downloaded the app we can still send out the messages via plain messages until they’ve all downloaded it. Something will be going out in the newsletter about this new initiative.
For now, if you’re planning an incursion or excursion, please send all the information (dates, pricing etc.) directly to myself and Kirsty H, as we’ll be creating and setting up the “events” on CompassPay. Once again, all other documentation still to be completed as per the normal process.
Thank you
Next week the Book Fair arrives! ( I have only just learnt this myself). It means that the library will not be available for borrowing on Wednesday as it will be full of books for the Book Fair. Rhian has sent an email to all staff with more information.
We have a few of these around the school. Is there one that isn't being used that we can lend to JPS for a little while? Please let me know.
It is official, Jan will be saying goodbye and taking some leave after Wednesday next week. Jan is our longest serving staff member, and she has been an integral part of this school, and has been in the middle of everything that has made it what it is today. Jan came to JESC when there 2 classrooms and 16 students in total!
Jan being the person she is would like to slip off into enjoying sleep ins without much fuss. That being said she is going to join staff drinks on the last day of term, so if you are free, please hang around on the last day, to get envious of the things she has been getting up to!
Jan, on behalf of staff, thank you, thank you, thank you for what you have built here, and for every parent, student and staff member you have taught, mentored, given advise to, been a shoulder to cry on, and said what they needed to hear. For all the duty rosters, swimming rosters, adventure weeks, staff uniforms, furniture, IT equipment, case conferences, staff meetings, PL you have organised and delivered, thank you.
There is definately one Jan, and you are the brains trust for everything here, we are definately going to miss you!