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*Garden Club Thursdays Weeks 2-9 in Term 3
Sean has emailed out the most up to date information about swimming. Please make sure you read this.
Sean will be driving his car to Aquamotion each day, and will be the administrator at swimming.
Louise and I will be sharing the role of bus driving, and remaining at school.
Amanda will be driving her car to and from swimming each day – and is able to transport junior students/staff back to school in the event of an incident.
Lorraine will be driving her car to and from swimming each day – and is able to transport junior students/staff back to school in the event of an incident.
In the event Sean needs to leave the swimming area Louise or I will do our best to remain at the swimming pool, and Tim will take over driving the bus. In the event all of this does not work, we will appoint a person in charge if Sean, Louise and I are all pulled away from the pool at the same time.
Michelle Conner will be our First Aid officer on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Please give her medical bags at the pool. She will also have the master file of student details, and risk management plans. We will let you now who the first aid officer will be on Wednesday and Friday.
Sean will be purchasing a number of oodies over the weekend, which can be used by classes as needed if students forget towels, or if it is easier.
Sign out sheets for the week have been put into staff pigeonholes. Please bring these to Kirsty H each afternoon (if you've had students collected) and she will return to you ready for the next day.
Condition of toilets & staffroom
The women’s staff toilets are being left in somewhat of a state on a daily basis. Can I request that if you make the mess, you clean it up. This includes using the toilet brush, picking up dropped toilet paper, and wiping the sink if water/soap is spilled. If you do notice a mess, and cannot clean it up yourself, please come and let me know so I can go and clean it, and try and identify if it is staff, parents, visitors to our school who are not keeping the area clean.
Similarly the staff room is becoming increasingly stained with coffee, sugar and water. Again can you please clean up after yourself if you spill something.
Our bus will be used from next week for swimming lessons!
We have put blueys on the bus (photos attached) which can be used and disposed of as needed. These can go on seats to protect them from getting too wet if needed.
There has been a small increase in the number of incidents resulting in injuries with our students over the last couple of weeks (students falling, being pushed etc.) I wanted to thank everyone for their vigilance, and responding so quickly to care for a students and investigating what has happened. Thank you for writing up incident reports, and logging things on compass. It has made discussing these things with parents much easier.
This year the P&C have decided to make the disco free for all students. However, students still require a ticket and must register. Link above.
The disco details are:
- Friday 30 August
- 5.00-6.15pm - Kindy to Year 2
- 6.30-7.15pm - Quieter and Brighter Session for all of those students who need more light and less sound.
- 7.15-9.00pm - Year 3-6
Staff are welcome to attend to see what is happening at the disco.
Temporary fencing will be installed surrounding the sensory garden outside B Block on Monday before school.
This will remain for around 2.5 weeks, with access remaining to the sensory garden during this time.
We are hoping for this to be finished before the sports carnival.