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Friday 21 February |
On Friday the assembly will be run by student captains. This will be our first formal assembly. If you know students will be distracting/noisy or become dysregulated please do not have them attend assembly. If you are desensitising students or building up the length of time they spend at assembly it is fine to have them sit at the staff room, or somewhere on the periphery. Alternatively the could come for a short while and then leave.
*Please also remember to have your Merit Certificates to Kirsty in the office by COB Tuesday. Late certificates are not able to be added as Student Captains need to practice reading them out.
Following on from the contact meeting on Tuesday here is some further information about streamed literacy.
If your students are remaining in the same program please consider their starting point as they may require assessments to be reprinted
We are very fortunate to have received funding for 10 students and families to help with any extra school costs throughout the year.
As stated in the EDUKIDS Grant guidelines these funds are to help a minimum of 10 children at your school, whether that be for uniform or book assistance or funding a breakfast club program. If you have a student in your class that you think would appreciate some additional assistance can you please let Natalie H know.
Accessing Pro-Rata LSL Teachers
For teachers there is now 3 types of LSL that can be accessed.
- Entitled accrued LSL. – This is after 10 years of service the first time, then 7 years there after. Teachers are able to take this when they choose, within 2 years.
- Early Access Pro-rata LSL for those at preservation age. If you are at preservation age (which changes depending on the year you are born) you can apply for LSL as it accrues. The process to apply for this type of leave is automatically added to HRMIS once you qualify.
- Pro-rata LSL for those who have worked 7 continuous years and have not yet any LSL entitlements. The process to apply for this type of leave is via manual form.
Please see the link below for more information as not everyone is entitled to these. Please come and see me or Antoinette if you have any questions.
The new curriculum is here!! It does however impact our SEN planning… especially if you want to use outcomes you have assigned in previous semesters. In our “old” curriculum there was an ACELA code attached at the bottom of each outcome. Our “new” curriculum outcomes show the code WACE
Below is an example of our OLD curriculum. You will be unable to use these outcomes any more. This was an outcome for a student in 2024, despite not achieving it, you wont be able select it any more. I suggest you try and find something similar if it is required.
Here is an example of one of the new outcomes. Confusing I know!! Im sorry!
Newsletters will only be sent out in weeks 5 and 10 from now on, as families are getting updated constantly through Seesaw and Compass.
Instead – classrooms will be asked to put in an article if they want.
Specialist areas will be asked to produce something once a term.
With the first newsletter due on Tuesday 4 March, please ensure you save your insert into the drive by 28 February 2025:
S:\AdminShared\E6084S01-Joondalup ESC\All Staff\Newsletters\Newsletters 2025
And photos here (please be mindful of those students without photo permissions):
U:\Photos 2025\Newsletters
It is the beginning of the year and everyone is excitedly getting resources created and ready. This has meant that we have depleted our laminating sheet stock pile much quicker than we expected. We will purchase more – however we have soooo many laminated resources within our school. I may ask during a staff meeting that everyone bring out there “extra” laminated stuff and classes can look through and take what they need.
Numerous classes are requesting noise cancelling headphones. If they are really required we will purchase them, however it is good to know what their intended use is, because noise cancelling headphones can be up to $200 each.
- We don’t generally buy headphones with cords as they tend to snap off in the ipad breaking that functionality.
- We don’t generally buy blue tooth noise cancelling headphones as there are too many devices and too many WAPS resulting in poor and inconsistent connectivity for the student.
If you are after headphones for sensory reasons and nothing to do with iPad use, we can get far cheaper ones.
If you are a class that have requested some, and don’t have them yet please let us know why you need them, so we can get the right ones for you.
There are more students / areas that require supervision/one to one etc. than we have physical people for. In your class meetings can you please discuss how important it is for your students to have one to one supervision. We are trying to work out way to meet the requests and needs of everyone. Here are a couple of suggestions we could do –
- Every EA (including Ruth and Sue N) have duty every day.
- Teachers increase their duties to 3 per week.
- Some students who are one to one could play in K block / or the sensory rooms a couple of times a week freeing up more staff for other areas.
- Prioritise who requires one on one, and roster students with staff this way.
We would love any creative ideas or solutions.
Booking busses for excursions / adventure week etc.
Now that we have a bus we hope to utilise it as much as we can! When planning for excursions or whole school events please make Louise and Sean your first port of call. They will be able to let you know if we can use our own bus, or if we need to hire one. Louise and Sean will organise bus hire for you if needed.
I know its ages away!! However there are a few new organisations that have popped up close by in the past few months. Jade Martin sent through the details for a new place – Ape Escape in Joondalup which may be suitable for some students.